Saturday, August 27, 2011

When your playing football, don't make the fat kid be the quarterback...

So today I went to my best friend's son's first JFL football game.  It was awesome.  I do love a good football game, and I was amazed, after my brief encounter with my oldest daughter's stint in soccer, how well the kids actually paid attention and did what was supposed to be done in an organized sport.

Anyway, we were sitting there watching the game and discussing which kids should play which positions.  Now, mind you, neither one of us are fit and trim, nor do we have any background in football, but we both agreed the heavier kids should definitely be playing defense and NOT quarterback.  I'm pretty sure in some countries that's considered child abuse.

The poor child that was quarter back for the team was definitely a candidate for defense.  The first hike he tried to run, but petered out about ten steps into it.  The next hike he threw a nice pass, but the other kid dropped it.  I could hear his inner monologue the entire time:
"Damn coaches making me be quarterback. God, I'm so out of breath.  Why won't they put me back on the sidelines?  I ain't running down that field again....hell, I'll just pass it this time."

What I don't get is why the coaches couldn't see what two, football illiterate, mothers could.  Really, are you just cruel?  I'm going to research which countries would require I call DCFS...

First JFL Game

1 comment:

  1. As I read this..I think of cackling we did during this game. The poor kid you pointed out was also sweating profusely and in dire need of a fatty cheeseburger.
    In fact I think his inner monologue went something like this: so hot. Why I gotta keep running ooooo its almost lunch time..mmm mmmmmmmmmmm cheeeesseeeburgerrrr mmm wait what? U want me run!? Aw poop mmmm mmm almost cheeseburger time!!


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