Saturday, September 10, 2011

There is something to be said for the Brits...

The girls and I went to Her Majesty's English Tea Room with some friends from our old school today. It was really nice and the girls had a great time.  They behaved themselves, even Ella, whom I was a bit concerned about.  The tea was a pinkish color and they have blue colored sugar for the girls.  Ella had SO much sugar in her's that her tea turned a blue color. See below...

It was a nice lunch, but I'm more of a three course meal girl with large platefuls of food. But OMG... the gift shop was to die for and I have decided I'm going to definitely be attending some formal affairs in England very soon.  Help me decide which hat I should buy for the occasion!

My Favorite
The Sailor
Lady in Red
Just a Big-Ass Hat
Minnie Pearl from Hee Haw!
Birthday Hat (Better than a Birthday Suit...)
Mild Mannered
The Queen Mum's Hat

Besides the fabulous hats there were a few other interesting items...

Captive Squirrels?

Harry Potter Apparel

A sock monkey hanging from the ceiling...

And goats on the roof...

All in all, a VERY good day...

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